Nokia T20 Unboxing & First Impression | Best Budget Android Tablet?
Nokia T20 Unboxing & First Impression | Best Budget Android Tablet

This right here is the nokia t20 the first t-series nokia tablet not to be mistaken with t20 the slightly less boring version of cricket that frankly i'd still probably need about 10 pints to make it through but that's just me and my short attention span and i'm already bored of this intro for instance so skip it

The nokia t20 costs just 179 quid for the wi-fi model here in blighty or 199 quid to upgrade to the wi-fi and lte version if you want to stay connected wherever you wander like some kind of massive internet junkie and as usual manufacturer hmd global is being all nice and huggy to the planet and planting 10 trees for every nokia t20 tablet that we buy so you can feel all warm and tingly inside as you're clutching your t20 and enjoying a good bit of confessions of a serial killer on netflix and this tablet is available right now from what we're going to do is whip out the nokia t20 to go to full on tour the hardware and the software and for more on the latest and greatest tech please do poke subscribe

So the first draw the obvious question is what do you get in the box and the answer is a dinky wii charger mine's a two pin one because it's a european sample a usb cable but a type c action and somewhat ironically about 10 trees worth of get started guides and that's it for the box nice and straightforward saw hold on to your pants let's dive into the nokia t20 so first impressions of the nokia t20 tablet it is obviously a budget tab but it does feel a little bit more premium than amazon's fire hd hd10 for instance seems to be a little bit skinnier and the plastic backing looks rather nice it could almost pass as metal got a matte finish which hopefully should repel the worst of uh finger grease and smudges but if you're gonna be passing this around your family giving it to your kids it's going to be smeared in chocolate and dog and all sorts it definitely feels solidly put together you've got toughened glass up front as well just to help give it an extra bit of protection and surprisingly lightweight as well i reckon even a small child would have no trouble clutching the nokia t20 in the back of the car or whatever you've got nicely rounded corners here on the nokia t20 as well to make it comfortable to clutch but one odd little quirk of the design that i've noticed is that the headphone jack is actually stuck away in this bottom right corner when you are clutching it in landscape mode so if you're gonna be plugging in that's going to kind of jut out awkwardly there and make it kind of not very comfortable at all to clutch so then the question is do you like prop up the tablet somewhere do you clutch it one-handed and even with the lightweight build of the nokia t20 let's face it you're probably gonna get a bit of bicep fatigue after a while even a man of my obvious muscular uh structure and yeah the nokia t20 certainly feels hardy enough to survive you know the average everyday family existence but if you want to you can also purchase a rugged flip cover for the nokia t20 just in case you're worried one of your kids is going to use this thing to you know assault their siblings or something and this is very much your standard tablet cover it's got a quite rigid outer shell but a nice soft inner lining to protect your tablet from scratches and scuffs and when you flip open that cover this can automatically wick the nokia t20 which is a nice little touch you've also got a sort of kickstand style design as well so you can prop up the tablet if you are just kicking back with a bit of netflix ,disney plus or whatever so as with other nokia branded devices hmd global has not tinkered with android here it's a stock version of android 11. the main difference is that the google feed is heavily focused on as you can see there video games and stuff to read as well on the video side of things you can get recommendations on stuff to watch from the likes of youtube disney plus it's fully customizable but as you can see there are no netflix support uh as of now and it's quite a limited selection but a pretty good way of just seeing some of the latest releases on various platforms at a glance without him to go into each individual one you can also see the most popular games right now and also come up with ideas of something to read on the tab if that's your bag one of the only features that hmd has added to the nokia t20 on top of android is face unlock so as you can see there you can use your gorgeous mug too and a tablet bypass that pin because you can only save one face per family if you're just showing the same google account

 so if you're passing around knock your t20 everyone else is gonna have to bugger around with pins and passwords and if you're gonna be sharing the nokia t20 with your sprog so you've got the likes of family link so you can see exactly what they're up to on this thing at any given moment you've also got kids space for youngest vlogs as well you can keep them really under wraps see exactly which apps they're allowed access to what sort of times all of that good stuff and as always one of the benefits for nokia devices the fact you've got guaranteed updates stretching into the future two years of os updates as you get android 12 uh later this year or start of next year potentially and then android 13 after that and three years of security updates as well just to make sure everything stays nice and tidy and one of the other benefits of stock android is the fact you don't get a whole heap of crapware packed on this thing as well pretty much everything here it's either a google app or something that i installed myself and that's probably just as well because we've got 64 gigs of storage to play with here on the uk model i believe there's a 32 gig variant in some regions as well but the good news is you can expand that via sd if you like now the nokia t20 rocks a very respectable 10.4 inch display it's 2 000 by 1200 pixel resolution so visuals reasonably crisp despite the fact that it's obviously quite a spacious screen certainly good enough for browsing the photo collection kick about some netflix doing a bit of gaming whatever you want to do

it is just a simple ips panel so don't expect you know super sharp contrast or really vivid in your face colors and it tops out at 400 nits as well which is fine for indoors use i did find outdoors uh you're gonna struggle to see what's going on in like darker murkier scenes and netflix things like that the viewing angles are good enough for a couple of heads to cram together and watch a bit of youtube at the same time though you jump on into the display settings you see you've got the usual night light mode you can play around with the white balance as well but that's basically all of the color tinkering you can do sadly no way of changing the refresh rate though that is stuck at 60 hertz and the nokia t20 has a stereo speaker arrangement both of those speakers housed on the edge of the tablet and it's a reasonably good audio setup there's clear distinction between the left and the right channels decent clarity as well even on the top volume although that's mostly because the top volume isn't particularly impressive this thing definitely doesn't get anywhere near as loud as the likes of an ipad unfortunately so just bump up the volume. that's absolutely fine for just you know propping up in the kitchen and watching a bit of youtube or netflix while you're busy cooking as long as you don't get anything too noisy on the go otherwise yeah that sound instantly gets drowned out

  If you're looking to continue the joy of our lives that is zoom or skype or any of that shenanigans is where you do have a uh webcam built into the top end of the display there when you're holding it in landscape mode and this does the job absolutely fine for your video chat shenanigans you know it keeps your face reasonably bright even in a fairly strongly lit environment and the microphone again does an all right fair enough job of uh picking up your voice when you're doing a bit of skyping or anything like that although if you are on an actual work call you'll definitely want to get some sort of headset plugged in and if you're one of those dum-dums who likes to take their tablet to a concert or some sort of real-life event in order to record the whole bloody thing well good news you've got a rear cam here on the nokia t20 as well for that but uh but please don't don't do that because it's it's really annoying now performance and as you'd expect it's fairly basic here on the nokia t20 as it is just a budget tablet but so far touchwood haven't had much in the way of sort of stumble stamina certainly no crashes or anything major like that power comes courtesy of the unisock t610 chipset very basic platform found on a few other budget devices like the honor player 20 backed by four gigs of ram and as you can see quite basic geekbench scores but the 220 certainly seems up to the job

if you're just gonna be passed it around to stream videos browse the internet simple stuff like that and i had a blast on call of duty as well and that played absolutely fine on the lower detail settings screen nice and responsive could clearly see everything that was going on and the time showed no signs of heating up as well as you would expect from such a basic chipset and stuffed inside of the nokia t20 you've got an 8 200 milliamp battery so it should keep you going all day long depending on what you're up to i found about an hour of mixed use including video streaming and a bit of apps playing takes it down around 10 around 10 hours of mixed use like that uh if you're gonna be doing a bit of gaming or a bit of online video chats things like that that will sap the battery a bit faster we should still get around seven to eight hours of use

So certainly no complaints on the nokia t20 when it comes to longevity but you will want to plug it in probably all night long to get it charged back up because it is basically 15 watts charging and unfortunately you only actually get a 10 watt adapter bundled in the box as well so you probably want to use an alternative adapter if you want to maximize the recharge speeds so that right there is the nokia t20 tablet as I say available from today from and it will be available in high street stores as well for 179 quid for the wi-fi model 199 quid if you want a bit of lte action as well

 So definitely if you're looking for a budget-friendly tab for the entire family this is a strong alternative to those amazon fire tabs especially if you want a nice clean stock android vibrating that really heavy amazon ui that it slaps on all of its fire tabs what do you guys recommend would be great to hear from you down in the comments below and for more on the latest and greatest sec please do poke subscribe

Have yourselves a fantastic rest of the week

 everyone love


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