Asus Vivobook Pro 16X OLED | Impressive 4K Creator Laptop
Asus Vivobook Pro 16X OLED

Big black beast in my hands is the azus vivobook pro 16x oled bit of a mouthful it seems that creators who don't quite need the growing thrust and power of something like isuzu's own pro watch studio book laptop so we're talking more like video editors so if you happen to be a youtuber . the vivabook pro  16x oled starts from 1400 quid here in the uk which is a fairly respectable  price considering the specs and features packed inside of this thing although of course as usual you can bump that price up a wee bit if you want the very top end features like the one terabyte ssd and that nvidia rtx 3050 ti gpu so anyways check out this vivobook laptop


So despite its slender build this is whose creative laptop is basically designed to mostly just sit on a desk and not really move too much it was just under two kilos and of course it's a 16 inch laptop so it will be a bit of a struggle to fit into any more compact bags and backpacks if you are looking for a  laptop that you can take on the roads to do editing wherever you happen to roam well azus does also do a 14 inch model of the xor led so maybe check that one out instead as for the actual design of the vivo book well it's

It's reasonably plain to be perfectly honest not very exciting at all especially as the previous years whose laptop that I reviewed was that absolutely bat-shit bonkers alan walker edition of the rogue zephyrus g14 something coming from that laptop to this one it's a bit like where's the flare where's the excitement and you know it is a creative laptop it's not designed to excite particularly but i mean let's face it even batman would be like it's too black like even the label it's black on black and of course even though it is crazy black it does still somehow show up all those greasy prints when you've been uh handling the thing so as always make sure you got a cleaning cloth handy got a pretty respectable selection of ports  though most of them crammed over there onto the right edge just the one type c  port which is a thunderbolt 4 thankfully you've got an hdmi port a usb type airport as well that's a 3.2 and also a micro sd memory card slot and then over on the other side it's literally just a pair of usb 2.0 ports and that's it so i would have definitely preferred some more type-c action on there but apart from that con complain now of course undoubtedly one of the highlights of the azus vivobook pro 16x oled is that 16-inch oled screen which absolutely fills the inside of that vivobox lid

It's a 4k resolution panel absolutely ideal for creators who want to edit photo and video on the fly you can see every minute detail in ther this panel is display hdr 500 true black certified absolutely brilliant contrast and accurate color reproduction too 100 of the srgb gamut 89 of the adobe rgb gamut covered off and 16 by 10 aspect  reassure as well again ideal for content creation and i was really impressed by the brightness of that vivobook display as well seriously bump it up to the top uh brightness level you get 541 nits out of this thing it is positively eye searing so ideal if you are out and about uh you know doing a bit of editing on a park bench somewhere for reasons and the vivobook pro 16x oled backlit keyboard is a beast with a dedicated number pad here on the right edge and some quirky design elements as well the actual travel of the keys is surprisingly shallow but then i guess even though it is a 16 inch laptop the vivo bug is quite slender as well but I still found i could comfortably touch type on this thing for a good long stretch personally i'm not a massive fan of the old dedicated number pads on laptops because i find i'm accidentally hitting those instead of the enter key or the shift key when i am touch typing and it's still kind of crazy as well despite the size of this thing it's a 16 inch laptop still committing the cardinal sin of having an enter key on a single row instead of two and these crushed up little cursor keys however I definitely do appreciate the fact that you've actually got a fingerprint sensor built into that power button so logging back on is quick and easy and while you don't get one of zeus's physical dial pads here on the vivobook pro 16x oled you do get a virtual version built into that very spacious touchpad which you  can use to make subtle adjustments in supported content like adobe software now zeus has shoved an hd webcam in that skinny wii bezel up top and that's absolutely fine again for your Microsoft teams you zoom in and stuff nothing special by any means but as long as the lighting is okay people generally be able to see your face and what's going on there and the good news is you do

Actually get a physical shield there to block that webcam quickly and easily you  don't have to shove a bit of blue tack over there when it's not in use the vivobook pro's built-in mics are absolutely fine to pick it up on your voice as well and you've got that ai noise cancellation feature on here as well to cut down the background clamor


When you're trying to do a Microsoft teams in a busy place like a cafe or a pub now the azus vivobook pro 16x oled is available with various cpu options kicking off with an 11th gen intel processor and rising to an amd ryzen 5900 hx my review sample was one of the more basic models that came with the ryzen 5 5600 h chipset and just eight gigs of ram you can bump that all the way up to 32 gigs if you chuck a good bit of cash at azus my review sample did also come back in an nvidia geforce rtx 3050 ti gpu and this certainly proved up to the task of video editing and other creative tasks and you can merely do a bit gaming on this thing as well as long as you're not expecting to play the very latest titles on the ultra detail settings considering it's one of the lower specs models perfectly respectable scores in the benchmarking test so for instance in 3d mark the vivobook pro 16x will led spaft out a score of 4035 in time spy and it also comfortably passed that time spy stress test as for the coolant well azusa is normally dependable on that phone and certainly the dual fan setup here on the vivobook pro did the job nicely you've got three different fan settings which you can switch between in the my azus app otherwise you can just leave it to sort itself out and i certainly found that even with lots of video editing

But again and all that it stays nice and cool even when it was resting on my thighs as for your storage well the base amount is 512 gigs but you can upgrade that to a one terabyte ssd again by spaffing out more cash no particularly impressive speeds in my tests and law the read speeds are around 2.5 gigabits per second write speeds a lot less impressive not even hitting 1.5 gigabits per second so definitely beaten by some rivals like the dell xps didn't notice any issues with the connectivity though the wi-fi strength remains strong even quite a distance from that router you've got full wi-fi six support as well it's like a bit of future-proofing again when we're going to packed out stadiums and big event spaces oh and the battery life

 The battery life on the asus vivobook pro 16x oled absolutely stunning stuff easily as good as that macbook pro uh with its m1 chip uh you'll get several hours of video editing out of this thing and if you're just doing more like web based stuff easily a full day even with you know streaming music in the background all that good stuff and there you have it that in a nutshell is the azus vivobook pro 16x oled slightly clunky name the actual laptop itself definitely a strong one for creators a strong rival too the likes of the the microsoft surface laptops the dell xps it might not impress quite across the board as much as some of those xps models but certainly the highlight here is that gorgeous display if you are all about the screen then this thing will not disappoint so that's what i think anyway what do you guys reckon be gritty your thoughts down in the comments below for more the latest and greatest tech please visit our blog daily


Have yourselves a  fantastic rest of the week cheers


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